This is a type of insurance policy designed to provide financial protection to individuals and their families in the event of death or diagnosis of a serious illness. See below table for the various types of cover available. 

  • To protect your family and dependents
  • Peace of mind in the event of illness or death
  • To cover mortgage, funeral expenses, debt, loans, child care etc. 

If you have life insurance and pass away, your beneficiaries will receive the policy's death benefit. They can use the money to pay off debt, cover your funeral expenses, and pay for their living costs.

You can still get life insurance if you have a medical condition, but life insurance companies will check your medical records and modify your life insurance rates accordingly.

To discuss your options in more detail, please get in touch and we would be more than happy to help you. 

Type of cover How does each type of cover help you?
Term Assurance Provides a guaranteed sum assured in the event of death of any party during the term of the policy. The premium and sum assured is guaranteed for the term of the plan. For example, this policy will be required for interest only loans as the mortgage balance will remain the same.
Serious Illness Cover Provides a lump sum payment on the diagnosis and certification of a prescribed serious illness such as cancer, heart attack and stroke. You and your family can use the lump sum to pay off bills, the mortgage or simply help give an income at such a distressing time.
Whole of Life Provides a guaranteed sum payable on death for a guaranteed premium. It will provide protection on an open-ended basis i.e. there is no term on the plan where cover will cease. The premiums are payable for life.
Mortgage Protection Pays off your mortgage if you or another policy holder dies during the term of the mortgage.